Visceral - The Living Art Experiment

The Science Gallery, one of our favourite places to visit in Dublin City, welcomes a new exhibit this Friday. VISCERAL - THE LIVING ART EXPERIMENT brings us a series of artworks, made from living tissue, to the Science Gallery. It is sure to challenge our very perception of art, make us wonder and also make us squirm a little. The exhibit is presented by SymbioticA, a leading art-science lab based in Perth at The University of Western Australia. According to their website:
VISCERAL forms a series of provocations and puzzles around the nature of the living and non-living, asking  us to consider the myriad of possible implications of our new biotechnological toolkit. VISCERAL incorporates ten years of challenging work at the frontier between fine art and biotechnology. For a whole month the entire SymbioticA laboratory will be transplanted from Perth to Dublin, allowing Science Gallery visitors to witness and participate in a series of living art experiments.
VISCERAL is guaranteed to be a huge hit for the Science Gallery, when it opens on Friday 28th January. There is a VIP preview on Thursday evening (tickets available here) and further information on VISCERAL's brilliant range of exhibits is available here. There is also a detailed brochure you can download here.


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