Congratulations to III Form pupils Eamon McKee and Lingfan Gao whose science project has been accepted into the 2009 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition which will be held in the RDS from the 6th - 10th January 2009. The boys' project is an investigation into how plants are affected by different forms of household radiation. Work on their investigations is well under way and they are ably guided by their science teacher, Ms Karen Hennessy. The boys will compete in the Intermediate Group category within the Biological & Ecological section. For more information on the exhibition, log onto
www.btyoungscientist.com. This year's competition will the biggest yet, with 3,712 students applying with 1,616 projects in 32 counties across the island which includes a 25% increase in the number of projects from Northern Ireland. This is a clear indication of how the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition has grown from strength the strength throughout its 45 year history to become one of the largest events of its kind in the world. Year on year there has been a steady surge in the number of entries; from 669 entries in 2001 to an overwhelming 1,616 this year marking an overall increase of 240%. The achievement of Eamon and Lingfan is even more impressive considering only 500 projects have been accepted out of the 1616 that were originally proposed. Well done lads.