Other Frog Blogs - But not as good!!
Strangely, there is more than one Frog Blog out there in the big bad web! So I thought it might be nice to see how the other frog bloggers are getting on. Here are a few other Frog Blogs to check out.

- The Frog Blog (http://blog.greens.org.nz/) - This is a blog devoted to the Green Party of New Zealand.
- Frog with a Blog (http://www.frogwithablog.com/) - Yeah you guessed it, a French Person with a Blog!
- The Frog Blog (http://blogs.ipona.com/frog/) - "A collection of thoughts about (pond) life, work and all things green".
- The Frog Blog (http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/blog/) - A blog detailing the behind the scenes activities of the Rain Forest Alliance.
- There are loads more, just try typing Frog Blog into Google. It's mad! And most have nothing what so ever to do with frogs or nature.
So I think it is safe to say that we are still the No. 1 Frog Blog.
All the others are just trying too hard!!!
All the others are just trying too hard!!!